Thursday, May 19, 2016


Wednesday was my off day from lifting. It is right in the middle of my 4 workouts during the week, and time for my muscles to repair after a tough first two days was certainly needed. That being said, yesterday was all work. The cable and internet had not been working for 2 weeks and the Verizon guy did not show up despite saying he was going to show up, yet Joe was still being billed for cable and internet. He made the decision to cut his ties with Verizon, which led me to my first task of the day: Calling on his behalf to cancel his plan with Verizon. Perfect intern task. I called the woman, explained to her the situation, mentioning that he had been billed for weeks without having service and the Verizon guy never showed up to fix it, and that it was time to terminate the plan. However, the woman on the line seemed a bit argumentative, despite all I wanted to do was end the plan. This conversation was not going over smoothly for whatever reason. Then Joe took the phone. The conversation was going the exact same way. He then said to her, "Look, I know you get hundreds of these calls every day and I do not been to be rude, but I am just a bit frustrated and want to cancel my plan." From that point on, the conversation could not have gone over any smoother. People skills 101. He saw this situation from her perspective, gave here a feeling of appreciation, and bingo, she finally worked with him.

From there, I helped out with the middle school group. There were kids in this group who weighed 70 pounds, and some that weighed 160 pounds, so it was important to watch over how much weight they were doing in the circuits to make sure each kid was not doing too much or too little. Many of these kids were new to working out, and rightfully so, and it was important to make sure they were doing the correct exercises and maintaining proper form. After, some high school athletes came in to make up workouts they missed from earlier in the week. A lot of the activation was double band resistance work (shuffles, crossovers, bounding, backpedaling, etc.), so I jumped into the bands and helped resist a few of the athletes that needed a partner. Also, there was a hockey specific workout which was slide board strides with resistance, and I helped give some resistance to a few of the athletes in this exercise, too. Here is a picture of the exercise with me resisting.

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