Thursday, May 12, 2016


Today was an upper body workout day. Again, many of the exercises had negatives built into them, such as the dumbbell presses, pull ups, and elevated bosu pushups. The elevated bosu push ups are when your feet are elevated on a bench, and you are doing pushups on a bosu ball (black part facing up). This requires a lot of balance and it was especially hard when I had to throw in a 3 second negative on the way down. From the past few weeks of functional strength training, I have realized that my flexibility is nowhere close to where it should be. I have always known I wasn't the most flexible guy, but I realize more and more how important it is to be flexible as a hockey player, especially at the next level where skating is so crucial. There are certain moves you simply cannot do if you are not flexible. That being said, I set a goal to become more flexible today, and in order to do so, I am going to stretch for 15-20 minutes a night, religiously. Also, I am going to test my sit and reach each Monday to make sure I'm improving. After my workout, I moved some Compete merchandise from Joe's basement to the gym. From there I had to sort them all out and fold the shirts and sweatshirts neatly. Also, I had to put away all of the gym equipment that was out of place, which took quite some time.


  1. Hope you are having fun. What are you planning for the final presentation?

    1. Karin- I'm still going back and forth between a few options, but I have been taking pictures almost every day of the things i have been doing in the gym, so I definitely think a slideshow of some sort will be incorporated.

  2. Jack - OK, reading this blog makes me realize I know nothing about what I am doing in the weight room. Maybe is I just keep it really simply I will avoid back sprains and shredded muscle. Agree on the flexibility, but wait until you get older! I want you to share six basic exercises when you get back so I can work them into my routine. Keep flexing, keep lifting, keep learning...

    1. Mike- Will do! Not looking forward to my flexibility, or lack thereof, when I get older if it is worse than it is now. Time to get stretching!
