Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Yesterday was by far the toughest workout this spring. It was the same leg workout as every Monday, but it was weak three and the amount of sets I needed to do increased and I had a hockey tournament that weekend, so my legs were already pretty dead. After some stretches for activation, we went on the turf and had medicine balls with us and we did broad jumps and lateral hip tosses to work on explosiveness. Additionally,  we had one exercise in there where you needed to throw the ball up as high as possible, and then sprint 25 yards. I had speed squats, dead lifts, pistol squats and some other mobility work in the lift. For conditioning, we had sled sprints, which was four 50 yard sprints with a sled with 4 plates on it. I was already exhausted before the conditioning, and once I finished, I was ready to call it a day.

After my workout and before I started working, I had a conversation with Joe about a few aspects of my overall development. First, I realized that I was not getting enough meals in me each day because I was sleeping until 10:30 every morning. However, since I was going to bed at 12 each night, he told me to go to bed at 10:30 and wake up at 8, which will allow me to have breakfast, 1 snack and lunch before my workout, opposed to a late breakfast and a small lunch. Also, Joe is an avid reader on personal and athletic development, and he has given me book recommendations to help me grow as a person and athlete since my junior year of high school. He suggested that the next book I read is Winning Every Day by Lou Holtz, which is about the daily sacrifices needed to achieve short and long term goals. Definitely gonna shoot that an order on Amazon today.

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